Inspirating Tips About How To Cook Elephant Shark

Coat the pieces with garlic and ginger paste.
How to cook elephant shark. This takes about 2 months. Elephant fish have a single gill opening. The snout is covered in pores that sense movement and weak electrical fields, which are used in detecting prey in the muddy bottoms of deep water.
Marinate the flesh with the mixture for 1 hour. Remove the rib cage by neatly cutting around its outside edge. The meat can be boiled or stewed, but in all.
When they're done they will be opaque and flake easily with a fork. It is roasted on an open fire or a barbecue made from oil barrels cut in half horizontally and laid sideways on a metal stand. Known by several names, such as ghost shark, elephant fish and silver trumpeter, the species is found in.
Brown the shark steaks on both sides. Cut the fillet into small pieces. In a bowl, mix honey, butter, and lemon juice.
Using large kettles, simmer equal parts elephant and vegetables with enough broth to cover. Place fish onto pre heated grill over direct heat and let it cook about 5 minutes each side. Flip the fillet over and again with the sharp knife, run the blade between the flesh and the skin, trying to leave as little flesh.
Deep fry the fillets for 4. Put the fish around the preheated grill and prepare for five to six minutes per side, or before the fish reaches an interior temperature of 145 f and. How do you know when a shark is cooked?